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Out Of A Wheelchair, Into A Kayak

Person in kayak
Josh Sloan kayaks on the James River. (Photo: Clara Haizlett)

Being outdoors was always part of Josh Sloan’s life, growing up climbing, hiking, biking and paddling. He uses a wheelchair for mobility due to a 2014 spinal cord injury and remains an avid kayaker.

Sloan spreads his love for the James River with others through his work at Sportable, a Richmond-based organization that hosts sporting events, including kayaking, for athletes with disabilities.

“Getting to do these things with other people who are also disabled is, I think, really cool as well because you just, you meet a lot of really cool people who just like, get it,” Sloan says. “And there’s just so much synergy there that you don’t have with able-bodied people anymore.”





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