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Bike lane construction underway in Richmond is set for 2022 completion

person biking
In this file photo, a person bikes on the Capital Trail, an off-road bike path that's mostly used for recreation. Progress continues on adding more commuter-oriented bike infrastructure across the city, but very little is happening to build more physically separated lanes. (Photo: Alex Scribner/VPM News)

Four new bike lanes are coming to Richmond by next summer.

The city’s Department of Public Works announced last week on Friday that work is underway on four new or improved bike lanes around the city:

  • Brookland Parkway (from Arthur Ashe Boulevard/Hermitage Road to Brook Road)
  • Marshall Street (from 29th Street to 21st Street) 
  • Walmsley Boulevard (from the west City line to Belmont Road) 
  • Warwick Road (from Hull Street to Richmond Highway)

The lanes on Brookland Parkway and Warwick Road will be buffered, or offset from traffic, by at least a few feet with paint and sometimes flexposts.

The lane on Walmsley Blvd will also be separated from traffic, but without that buffer.

On Marshall St, existing traffic and parking lanes will remain with the addition of painted symbols, called sharrows, to remind drivers to give space for people on bikes.

Sharrows, which data shows are less safe than physically separated lanes, were also less popular among survey respondents than an option more like Walmsley’s.

Two proposed lanes aren’t under construction now.  Colorado Avenue isn’t being repaved until a later date, so the new lane will be postponed until then. Grove Ave is still up for repaving, but plans to add a bike lane have been abandoned.

Patrick Larsen is VPM News' environment and energy reporter, and fill-in host.
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