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Fiesta Tortilla

When the family gathers — be it for festivities or funerals — there's always a need for quick comfort food. Our mother's response: flexible, fast, filling and delicious. You want spicy? Add salsa. Just don't try to get fancy and substitute any of the ingredients. I tried it once with organic corn chips — no go. We tried it with fresh chilies and, in an effort to cut some calories, substituted the sour cream with "lite" sour cream — not a good idea. Stick to the recipe and you'll be happy and so will your friends and family. -- Laura Folger


1 bag of Fritos

1 can of chicken stock

24 slices of Jack cheese or enough to cover two layers in a 9x13 baking dish

1 or 2 cans of Ortega Chilies, mild

Sour Cream, 1.5 pints


Blend chilies and sour cream in a blender.

Layer chips/cream/cheese two times. Pour 1/2 can of chicken stock or vegetarian stock over the entire layered casserole. Put in 350-degree oven and cook for about 15 minutes.

Pour remaining stock over the casserole. Bake for another 15-30 minutes. Should be bubbly and brown when done. Cool slightly before serving.

Cut into large squares, or cut into small bite size 2-inch squares and serve as an appetizer.

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