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Fritos Squash

This is one of Kaleta Doolin's favorite recipes from the original Fritos brochure.


5 yellow summer squash

1/2 medium-size onion, chopped

4 oz. Fritos

White Sauce

1/2 cup milk

1 tablespoon butter

1 tablespoon white flour

Saute chopped onion in small amount of butter or margarine. Slice and steam squash in small amount of water and season to taste. Spread layer of squash and chopped onion in casserole and cover with a layer of equal mixture of breadcrumbs and crushed Fritos. Repeat this procedure, making four layers.

Make white sauce, using 1/2 cup milk, 1 tablespoon butter, and 1 tablespoon flour. Pour white sauce over the squash mixture and allow to penetrate. Cover top with layer of whole Fritos. Bake in a medium hot oven (375 degrees) for 20-30 minutes.

Serves six.

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