Pure Dessert, by Alice Medrich, hardcover, 272 pages, list price: $35
Alice Medrich became one of the heroes in the chocolate addict's pantheon with her 2003 book, Bittersweet. The genius of her new book is the way she zeroes in on the dessert lover's cravings. Some of us long for milky, custardy sweets. Others hanker after nutty, seedy treats. Some of us swoon for fruit, and most of us nourish a chocolate jones from time to time. For each of these occasions, Medrich has a chapter. Most of the recipes elevate one ingredient above the rest, capturing its divine essence in a few quick strokes. Lavender tuiles, walnut sponge cake, even a plain, old chocolate pudding with a decadent, softly spoonable feel in the mouth — simple pleasures all, and also unforgettable.
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