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Dems Clash in Final Debate Before Crucial Primary

Tuesday's Democratic debate at Cleveland State University started out with a contentious, 16-minute on back-and-forth about the candidates' health care plans.
J.D. Pooley / Getty Images
Getty Images
Tuesday's Democratic debate at Cleveland State University started out with a contentious, 16-minute on back-and-forth about the candidates' health care plans.

In this week's edition of the Political Junkie, NPR's Ken Rudin talks about Tuesday night's Democratic debate and looks ahead to the March 4 primaries in Texas and Ohio. Also, a Los Angeles Times poll shows Republican Sen. McCain has the edge over both Clinton and Obama.


Ken Rudin, NPR's political editor, writes the weekly "Political Junkie" column and has a weekly podcast called "It's All Politics"

Jason Johnson, professor of Political Science and Communications at Hiram College

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