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A Do-It-Yourself Approach to Finding bin Laden

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In his latest documentary, filmmaker Morgan Spurlock takes on the question that many Americans have asked since Sept. 11, 2001: Why can't U.S. officials just find Osama bin Laden? Spurlock is best known for his self-appointed role as human guinea pig in the documentary SuperSize Me, when — to the great detriment of his own health — he spent a month eating food exclusively from McDonald's. Spurlock applies the same tongue-in-cheek, do-it-yourself approach to rooting out terrorism in his book and movie, both titled Where in the World Is Osama bin Laden?

"Despite all the face time he got in the media," Spurlock writes, "I bet most Americans really don't know much about Osama bin Laden ... He's the Most Wanted Man on Earth, the man who single-handedly terrorized the entire United States, and I bet most of us know more about Britney Spears than we do about bin Laden."

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