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Excerpts: 'Dear First Lady'

'Dear First Lady'

The Women's League of Miami Florida to Lou Hoover

El Comodoro Hotel
Miami Florida
June 18—1929
Mrs. H. Hoover,
Washington D. C.,

You remember that Florida, Va., North Carolina, Tenn. & Texas {illegible} Mr. Hoover, a large majority last fall. Well "We" thought we were putting a "real" White "Lady" in the White House. Didn't even dream that you would disgrace the White House by associating with Negroes.

We ("The Southern States") are very very much disappointed in you. We thought you were a real lady. You having {illegible} Negro women in the White House will cause Mr. Hoover to loose several million votes all the Southern States if he wants to run again. Also we are loosing confidence in him any way we thought he was for the people. But he has turned his back to the people that elected him and put himself in the hands of the interests. And is for the privileged few.

You can go to Illinois next winter and visit your Negro friend.


Don't care for you to visit the South anymore.

The Women's League of Miami Fla.

Clara Leonard to Eleanor Roosevelt

Miami, Fla.
Dec. 14, 1934
Dear Madame—

I am a widow with a son fourteen years of age and am trying to support him and myself and keep him in school on a very small sum which I make.

I feel worthy of asking you about this: I am greatly in need of a coat. If you have one which you have laid aside from last season would appreciate it so much if you would send it to me. I will pay postage if you see fit to send it. I wear size 36 or 38. { . . . }

I assure you I am worthy of any help you render.

Queen Victoria to Mary Todd Lincoln

April 29—1865.
Dear Madam,

Though a stranger to you I cannot remain silent when so terrible a calamnity has fallen upon you & your country, & most personally express my deep & heartfelt sympathy with you under the shocking circumstances of your present dreadful misfortunes.

No one can better appreciate than I can, who am myself utterly broken-hearted by the loss of my own beloved Husband, who was the Light of my Life,—my Stay—my All,—What your sufferings must be; and I earnestly pray that you may be supported by Him to whom alone the sorely stricken can look for comfort, in this hour of heavy affliction.

With the renewed expression of true sympathy, I remain, dear Madam, Your Sincere friend.

Excerpted from Dear First Lady by Dwight Young and Margaret Johnson.

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