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Snickers Bar Bread Pudding

Snickers Bar Bread Pudding
Susan Russo for NPR /

It's no wonder that Snickers is the most popular candy bar in the U.S. What's not to love about chewy nougat, silky caramel and crunchy peanuts all wrapped up in sweet chocolate? This comforting bread pudding is studded with chunks of Snickers and drowned in an outrageously gooey Snickers sauce. In case you're wondering, yes, this sauce is amazing on ice cream.

Makes 8 to 10 servings

Snickers Sauce

8 snack-size Snickers bars

3/4 cup heavy cream

1/4 cup light brown sugar

1/2 cup roasted unsalted peanuts


2 1/4 cups whole milk

2 large eggs

1/4 cup granulated sugar

2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

1 (10-ounce) stale baguette cut into 1-inch cubes

8 snack-size Snickers bars, diced

For the sauce, in a small heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium heat, combine chopped Snickers, heavy cream and brown sugar. Reduce heat to medium-low and allow sauce to gently bubble for about 5 minutes, or until thick and gooey, stirring occasionally. The sauce should adhere to the back of a spoon. Stir in the peanuts. Remove pan from heat.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Coat a 9- or 10-inch baking dish with cooking spray and set aside.

For the pudding, beat together milk, eggs, sugar and vanilla in a large bowl. Soak bread cubes in the milk mixture, then toss in the diced Snickers. Place the bread mixture into the prepared baking dish, squeezing the bread cubes into place if necessary. Pour any remaining milk mixture over the bread. Pour half of the Snickers sauce evenly over the bread pudding.

Place a sheet of aluminum foil under the baking dish to catch any sugary drippings. Bake for 40 to 45 minutes, or until the top is golden and crusty, and the middle is thick and moist. Cool slightly before serving warm or at room temperature. Lightly reheat remaining Snickers sauce before pouring over individual servings.

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