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'Over: American Landscape At The Tipping Point'

Cover, "Over: The American Landscape at the Tipping Point"
Massive highway interchange in Phoenix, Ariz. Credit: Alex S. MacLean

Over: the American Landscape at the Tipping Point, by Alex S. MacLean, introduction by Bill McKibbon, hardcover, 336 pages, 13.2 x 9.2 x 1.4 inches, 5.6 pounds, Abrams, list price: $45.00

There's a lulling and seductive beauty to Alex MacLean's breathtaking aerial photographs of America. Even from the unsteady vantage point of a single-prop plane, MacLean's eye manages to find and capture entrancing geographic patterns and colors. It's only on closer scrutiny that you see the scars and obscene clutter of parking lots and power plants on our once pristine landscape. But MacLean's book is much more than a facile visual indictment of urban sprawl and ecological neglect. It's an extremely thoughtful, well-organized and researched contemplation of where we might be headed — with or without all of those dazzlingly circular superhighways.

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