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Citrus Pear Jam

Citrus Pear Jam
Stephanie Stiavetti for NPR

Late-season pears get a boost from a touch of orange and cardamom in this tasty recipe, which goes just as well spread on toast as it does over roast pork tenderloin. Because freezer jams are not sterilized, you cannot keep them at room temperature.

Makes enough to fill five 8-ounce jars

2 medium-sized sweet naval oranges

3 cups ripe Bartlett pears, peeled, seeded and chopped finely

1 tablespoon lemon juice

1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom

1 1/2 cups sugar, ideally superfine

Pectin of your choice (since it varies by brand, consult package for correct amount)

Using a sharp knife, completely remove the peel of the orange. One at a time, remove each slice of orange, using the knife to cut between the orange flesh and the white pithy membrane that separates each slice. When you're done, you should have perfectly formed orange slices without any seeds or membranes. If any seeds remain, remove them. Cut each slice into 3 or 4 chunks. Place them in a bowl and mash gently with a fork until you have a pulpy consistency, and set aside. You should have 1 cup of orange chunks.

Place 1 cup of chopped pears in a bowl, reserving the rest. Sprinkle cardamom on the pears in the bowl and, with a potato masher, crush until you have a thick, chunky consistency. Add the rest of the pears, crushing a little more to gently break up the chopped bits. Mix in lemon juice.

Prepare sugar and pectin according to the package directions, making sure to stir constantly for at least 3 minutes when you mix it into the fruit. Fervent stirring will prevent lumps from accumulating in the jam.

Ladle jam into jars, leaving 3/4-inch of headroom to allow for expansion. Store jars in the freezer for up to 6 months. In the refrigerator, jam will keep for one week.

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