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Ginger-Orange Pickled Beets

Ginger-Orange Pickled Beets
Thomas Pierce

These go quickly once people give them a taste. They also go well with sushi (don't ask — just try it!).


Wash beets, removing dirt and rough peel around top and stems. Bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Drop beets in whole and turn the heat down to medium. Let cook for about 25 minutes. Remove beets from water, cool then peel. Slice into rounds about 1/4-inch thick and place into nonreactive pot (glass, stainless steel or enamel-lined, but not aluminum).

Add remaining ingredients to the beets and bring to a boil. Turn heat down and simmer about 15 minutes until tender. The beet slices should be mostly covered by the pickling solution. If the liquid reduces too much, add a little water, white wine vinegar or more orange juice.

Place the beets with their juice in a covered glass dish or disposable/reusable storage containers, which won't stain. Refrigerate at least three hours before serving.

The beets will keep in the refrigerator for at least a week. Beware of midnight refrigerator raids because of the likelihood of beet stains on your pajamas!

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Joanna Grammon, Stevenson, WA