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If you’re curious about the world, you can be a citizen scientist

People saving turtle
Citizen scientists out in the field.

If you ever feel like you missed your calling by not becoming a scientist, don’t despair. You don’t have to be employed by a university or research lab to make meaningful contributions to a body of knowledge about the world around us. All you need is a curious mind and a little spare time.

Citizen science lets members of the general public collect and analyze scientific data that is helpful to a broader research effort. In recent years, technology has made it easier than ever to crowdsource this data from everyday people. 

Because of the vast amounts of data needed to fully understand wild animals and their habitats, it’s helpful to have as many people as possible observing and recording what happens in nature. One person’s weekend birdwatching pursuits may not amount to much but the input of thousands of people watching thousands of birds could offer some significant findings.

The opportunities for citizen science cover a wide array of interests, from stargazing to scuba diving. Wildlife lovers might enjoy recording the birds they spot on a hike (or at their backyard feeder) or sharing their game-camera shots with The Smithsonian.

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