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Your Support Makes an Impact

It's the second annual Public Media Giving Days and we're celebrating your continuing support and the impact it enables us to make on our community. We quite literally cannot do what we do without you and we are eternally grateful.


VPM by the Numbers

  • 9: local VPM PBS TV programs currently in production/airing
  • 23: Awards received for excellence in content in 2023
  • 50: times NPR nationally aired stories produced by VPM News reporters in 2023
  • 103: VPM employees who are dedicated to serving our community
  • 917: number of local news articles published by the VPM News team last year
  • 2,860: hours of locally-hosted music programs on VPM Music in 2023
  • $3000: cost of hosting a single VPM intern
  • 11,440: hours of educational children's programming broadcast on VPM last year
  • 2,875,000: lifetime downloads of VPM Podcasts

(click the image above to download a .zip file of infographics to share)

How You Can Make an Impact

PMGD 2024 Limited Design

When you make a gift to VPM, you acknowledge the importance of keeping our community informed and connected. When you support VPM, you choose how much you want to give and how often. Thanks to our Member Center, you can manage your account information, payment information, donation amount and frequency at any time.

Wear your love for VPM on your sleeve...errr...shirt
Purchase one of our specially-designed, limited edition shirts! We are super excited to offer an exclusive retro-inspired design on a variety of shirt styles to suit your taste.


Help us spread the word!
Learn about how you can help just by telling your friends, or check out other ideas, details and inspiration.

You can also DOWNLOAD social media-friendly graphics to share on your accounts to help your friends, family and coworkers understand the importance of local public media.


Related Articles
  1. What’s the deal with “Public Media Giving Days”?
  2. The ABCs of Public Media
  3. Support VPM
  4. More Ways to Support VPM