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Teenage Vaping Epidemic

teen vaping

Vaping by teenagers in the U.S. has reached epidemic levels as discussed in this Virginia Currents segment on the e-cigarette addiction in our youth (first aired January 31, 2019).

Find valuable information for parents and teens about the dangers of vaping devices during this interview with the VA Foundation for Healthy Youth and Chesterfield County Mental Health Support-Prevention Services.

Making headlines are the 6 recent vaping-related deaths in the U.S. & Virgin Islands, and the more than 450 possible cases of lung illness associated with using e-cigarettes reported to the CDC from 33 states and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

The American Medical Association recently urged the public to avoid the use of e-cigarette products until health officials further investigate and understand the cause of the outbreak.

Visit the CDC for more information on e-cigarette related illness.