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Eva DeVirgili: Women Need To Stop Apologizing

Eva DeVirgilis at VA Rep 128 space

Watch the Virginia Currents interview with Eva DeVirgilisas it unfolds at Virginia Repertory Theatre's 128 space, where Eva and director Lisa Rothe worked on the one-woman show "In My Chair."

Eva uses humor and honesty to talk about the need for women to stop apologizing. As a makeup artist, she says most women who sit in her chair apologize for a misconceived flaw. Why?! She wants to know and did a TEDx Talk about it, which brought in comments and praise from around the world. She took her makeup chair across the globe to reach out to women, find out more about why women feel less than their possible best and why standards are set so high.

Eva makes it her mission to help connect and empower women with positivity and a space to feel safe to express.

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