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Red Wine Poached Pears with Red Wine Caramel Sauce

woman with glass of wine

Serving Size 4


  • 4 Pears, peeled and core removed from bottom to top with a melon baller (top stem intact)
  • 1 bottle dry Virginia Wine
  • 2 ½ c. sugar, divided
  • 2 snips vanilla bean
  • 1 T. whole cloves
  • 1 star anise
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 stick butter, room temperature, cut into 1 T. pieces


  1. Melt the sugar in the wine in a saucepan over medium heat. 
  2. Add the spices and simmer 2 minutes then add the pears.  Simmer moving the pears frequently until the pears are slightly tender . 
  3. Remove the pears and strain out the spices. 
  4. Return the liquid to the pan and add ½ c. sugar. 
  5. Simmer to reduce to about ½ c. liquid. 
  6. Remove from heat and add the butter with a whisk one tablespoon at a time.  Whisk well after each addition.


  1. Lay out 4 plates and drizzle a bit of the caramel over each plate.  
  2. Top with a pear and a scoop of vanilla ice cream.  Add another small drizzle of caramel and serve.