The VPM Daily Newscast contains all your Central Virginia news in just 5 to 10 minutes. Episodes are recorded the night before.
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Here’s a recap of the top stories on the morning of Feb. 7, 2024:
Virginia lawmakers grapple with tree canopy declines
Reported by VPM News’ Patrick Larsen
Some localities have the option to slow deforestation by adopting tree replacement and conservation requirements for construction. New legislation in the General Assembly could empower all counties, cities and towns in the commonwealth that way.
Bill would safeguard Virginia’s reinsurance program
Reported by VPM News’ Connor Scribner
The Commonwealth Health Reinsurance Program is effectively insurance for insurance companies, allowing them to get partially reimbursed for covering individuals with high medical costs. Companies that sell insurance on the state’s health exchange can apply to the State Corporation Commission for reimbursement.
In other news:
- Here is how Richmond public schools rank on school safety (Richmond Times-Dispatch)*
- UVa was awarded thousands to expand telehealth in rural Albemarle County. The trouble is there's no infrastructure to support it. (The Daily Progress)*
In case you missed it:
- Lickinghole brewery in Goochland closed indefinitely while owner deals with health issues (Richmond BizSense)*
- Few answers to missing and months-late mail: ‘The Postal Service in Richmond is broken’ (Virginia Mercury)
*This outlet utilizes a paywall.