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caregiver with women with dementia
Dr. Paul F. Aravich, Ph.D.
According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, creativity is at the pinnacle of being human. As such, the human brain is a creative brain, which makes the arts a brain thing.
  • Alzheimer’s disease and all other dementia disproportionately impact communities of color, specifically the African-American community. African Americans are twice as likely to develop dementia, when compared to their non-Hispanic White counterparts. While the full details of this stark disparity are unknown, there are key contributing factors for consideration.
  • Real life adventures are proven to be the best way to experience different worlds, but virtual reality glasses can offer equal access to a variety of places not easily accessible. It’s a tool that can also assist in helping staff make connections with people living with Alzheimer’s. Residents at Westminster-Canterbury on Chesapeake Bay try it out.
  • Revolutionizing Dementia Care reveals how people living with dementia can still live a full and meaningful life based on their abilities, not their disabilities.
  • What can we do so our loved ones with dementia can continue living healthy and fulfilling lives? Revolutionizing Dementia Care producer-director, Mason…