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Time For The Blues

Time for the Blues is a retrospective of all blues music and is produced and hosted by John Porter and Henry Cook. The program focuses on specific artists and various themes in the blues, especially featuring major contributors such as: Muddy Waters, B.B. King, Howlin' Wolf, Charlie Musselwhite and John Lee Hooker, among many others. While all time periods are represented, most of the music presented is what we call “post-war” blues (post WWII through the present). Regional blues are also featured, from the Mississippi Delta, Chicago, the West Coast, Memphis, Texas, the Piedmont, as well as British and other blues influences from around the world.

Stream Live each Saturday starting at 9:00 p.m. | Join us on Facebook.

Past Episodes

  • illustration of keyboarder and band in the background
    Henry Cook and I hope you will join us this Saturday night, February 1st, at nine o’clock when we reveal our latest episode of Time For The Blues on VPM-Music. We are celebrating the release of Big Al & The Heavyweights latest compact disc, Blues Power on VizzTone Records.
  • red music ornament on Christmas tree
    Photo by little plant
    Hello Blues Fans and welcome to the Holiday edition of Time For The Blues. Henry and I hope that this year finds you healthy and in good spirits no matter what holiday you choose to observe, or even if you don’t, we still wish you all the happiness of the season.
  • Photo of man sitting and playing a guitar
    Gabriel Gurrola
    Speaking of leftovers every year, we call our first Saturday show after Thanksgiving our “Hot Leftovers Show.” We cull through the shows we’ve done throughout the year and find the best songs that we DIDN’T play and moosh ‘em together for one show.
  • Hi there, Blues fans! Henry Cook and I hope you will join us this Saturday night, November 16th as we get ready to drop our next spine-tingling adventure that we call Time For The Blues.


TFTB Playlist