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VHG Clippings

Three sets of hands pull white and yellow flowers off of their stems and into a paper bowl.
Visit a garden where children with specialized education needs grow together. Explore how interactions among plants, animals, and the environment not only heal ecosystems, but also people.
  • Discover a park that provided native plants for a unique set of botanical watercolor paintings and tour the historic garden of a Harlem Renaissance poet.
  • Edmund Frost, of Common Wealth Seed Growers, demonstrates how to harvest cucumber and tomato seeds and explains why seed saving can improve your garden. At Carter Farms, Michael Carter, Jr. displays crops from West Africa and explains how the agriculture contributions of Black farmers shape our food and culture. Amyrose Foll & Dr. Robyn Puffenbarger share gardening tips you can use at home.
  • Visit Slade Farms in Surry to learn how Agrability and Small Farm Outreach programs offered by the Extension office keep Clif Slade doing what he loves. Explore Hidden Springs Family Farm in Palmyra with Barbara and Dewey Haines to talk about training programs to prepare military veterans for second careers as farmers. Amyrose Foll and Randy Battle share gardening tips you can use at home.
  • Dig in for a closer look at the overlooked star of the garden - the soil! Learn about the composition of different soil types in the landscape and see why composting is one of the best ways to improve soil health and grow a thriving garden. Dr. Robyn Puffenbarger and Randy Battle share gardening tips you can use at home.
  • Explore gardening education for the next generation. Visit a college program pioneering indoor growing techniques and get tips from an educational farm on how to engage young gardeners. Randy Battle and Allison Hurst share gardening tips you can use.
  • Discover ideas to enjoy gardening and growing when space is at a premium. Meet a gardener creating miniature worlds in containers and visit a public library with a special garden designed for children using dwarf varieties. Jen Naylor and Randy Battle share gardening tips you can use at home.
  • Tour a woodland garden in Lexington to see how public lands protect habitat and promote our connection to the natural world. Plus, learn about the invasive plants threatening our parks. Dr. Robyn Puffenbarger and Allison Hurst share gardening tips you can use at home.
  • Visit farms in Highland and Hanover Counties to see how Virginia growers are crafting value-added items including syrup, soap, and wool products. Randy Battle and Jen Naylor share gardening tips you can use at home.
  • Celebrate trees and the many benefits they provide to us and our environment! Meet a group planting urban trees to improve health outcomes in their community and learn about the important work through collaborative efforts of the American Chestnut Foundation. Dr. Robyn Pufenbarger and Jen Naylor share gardening tips you can use at home.
  • Meet a master gardener who has replaced her lawn with native flora and learn how Indigenous Peoples are working to save seeds and reestablish traditional crops. Allison Hurst and Dr. Robyn Puffenbarger share gardening tips you can use.